Short Stories
Peru: Cypher Comics, Frontline Defenders © 2022
Mongolia: Cypher Comics, Frontline Defenders © 2021
Fighting SUS: An ‘On the Record’ Production. ©2018
The Peacemakers for KCRW.
'Tasers: A Firsthand Experience', by Jon Sack and George Lavender, for KCRW, accompanying George's piece, Taser 101.
'The Impact of Welfare Reform' - a report I illustrated in partnership with Voluntary Action Islington (UK). Read the full report (pdf) here.
'Diana' - inspired by a story in the Guardian (The 'invisible' victims of Edomex, Mexico's most dangerous place to be female) by Nina Lakhani. © 2015
'The Physio', which was first published in Red Pepper magazine in 2013.