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London Launch May 1st

The London launch of La Lucha is this Friday, May 1st, at the Impact Club near King's Cross.  Please see below.  Wish I could be there...

Friday 1st May @ 6.30pm, Impact Hub, King's Cross, 34B York Way, London N1 9AB, United Kingdom.

Celebrating the launch of the graphic novel 'La Lucha', the first in a series of nonfiction graphic novels documenting the stories of human rights defenders at risk around the world.

Special guests on the night will include human rights defender Lucha Castro, Director of the Centre for Women's Rights, Chihuahua, Mexico, the protagonist of 'La Lucha'.

Autographed copies available on the night with a donation of £20 to support human rights defenders at risk.

"La Lucha: The Story of Lucha Castro and Human Rights in Mexico"
Drawn & Written by Jon Sack
Edited by Adam Shapiro
Preface by Lucha Castro
Refreshments served.

Host: Front Line Defenders